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Stan and Dana adopt Maia

Stan and Dana adopt Maia

When my husband and I decided we were ready to adopt, we looked into many different options. We quickly came to trust so many things about Christian Family Services as opposed to bigger adoption agencies, not the least of which were their face-to-face, phone, and email accessibility, their honesty, and their genuine love and care for the birth moms and…

Ken and Janessa adopt twice

Ken and Janessa adopt twice

We had the privilege of adopting two amazing children through CFS. What a great honor and responsibility! CFS is an amazing agency to work with. We are so incredibly grateful for their passion for God, children, birth parents, adoptive parents, and honest communication. Every person involved is loved throughout the entire process and even afterward. While the process was not…

Unplanned Pregnancy? We care

Unplanned Pregnancy? We care

You don’t have to face this alone. Unplanned or unintended pregnancies often bring feelings of uncertainty, fear, and confusion. We care about how you feel during this difficult time. It often helps to be able to talk about your feelings and how your decisions will influence your life, the life of your child, and others in a judgment-free, no-pressure environment.…

Adoption is an option

Adoption is an option

Adoption is a plan you make for the benefit of your baby. Is it a tough choice? Yes! Is it a loving choice? Yes! Is it the right choice? Only you can decide that. I chose an open adoption and have taken comfort in watching the child that I placed be given the life that I wasn’t able. I am…

Single Parenting is an Option

Single Parenting is an Option

After careful consideration of what is best for you and your child, you may decide to parent your child. We will help you prepare for this task. Besides providing supportive counseling and valuable parenting information, we can assist you in connecting with the available community resources to help with your specific needs. Our commitment will be to help you in…

Birth Mom Myths

Birth Mom Myths

Myth #1: Prospective birth parents who care about their child would not even consider adoption. Reality:  Adoption can be the most loving and unselfish plan prospective birth parents can make for their child.  It is a plan always made with the best interests of the child in mind. Myth #2: Birth parents will know nothing about their child’s life or the adoptive parents.…

Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care

Obtaining prenatal care is important to both your health and the health of the baby. See this video about the development of your baby. Giving your baby a healthy start is another gift you can give to him or her. If you don’t already have a doctor, we will work with you to find the best medical facility for your…